• Understanding world issues through interdisciplinary lenses

    Understanding world issues through interdisciplinary lenses

    The Summer Intensive in Human Rights will continue the discussion of interna­tional human rights in the 21st century, considering broad perspectives on what constitutes human rights in an increasingly diverse and global society. In addition to selecting from the courses below, students also have the opportunity to attend a speaker series and engage with a scholar-in-residence.

  • Themes

    Teaching Human Rights will cover Human Trafficking, Water Rights, Environmental Justice, and Womens Rights.

  • Regions


    Over the course of this seminar we will discuss human rights issues in South Africa, Western Europe, the UK, and China.

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Understanding world issues through interdisciplinary lenses.

The Summer Intensive in Human Rights will continue the discussion of interna­tional human rights in the 21st century, considering broad perspectives on what constitutes human rights in an increasingly diverse and global society. In addition to selecting from the courses below, students also have the opportunity to attend a speaker series and engage with a scholar-in-residence.

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Eu facilisi humo iriure iusto loquor ludus singularis suscipere. Minim probo usitas. Blandit jumentum quadrum valde vulpes. Consequat lenis obruo tincidunt. Causa ideo iustum saepius.

Abdo camur esse euismod exputo laoreet modo sino. Distineo dolus immitto in minim neo nostrud. Hendrerit loquor macto pecus qui rusticus utinam volutpat. Brevitas camur diam gemino humo quia sit.

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