Founded by Ashley Yates, Alexis Templeton, and Brittany Ferrell, Millenial Activists United (MAU) is an organization based out of Ferguson focused on creating strong communities through the building of grassroots leadership. This strategy of community building and empowerment is an example of decentralized and dispersive forms of leadership and activism. Within their statement they say, "We demand accountability for victims of social injustice in Ferguson, across America and the world. We are committed to learning strategy and tactics from the generation before us while simulatenously carving our own millenial voice and style for the unique challenges of a so-called post-racial America." MAU fits well within the context of this course - Ferguson within a global context; seeking to break down oppressive structures across national and cultural boundaries, and fight for justice and human rights in solidarity with other oppressed groups. All from a grassroots standpoint.
- Activism